
Well, I am currently a computer science/technology teacher who’s been writing poetry regularly since I was 12. What began as something I did at night, while hiding in my room, has turned into an obsession of sorts. Poetry is my therapy, joy, a home, a friend, a companion and partner in dialogue. I want to share this relationship with my students, and hope they also find a way to find their voice through poetry.

Compiled in these posts are poems created mostly by third through fifth grade students along with the process as to how assignments/activities are selected. Students have been members in the school’s Spoken Word club or have been a student at some point in one of my classes.

The official title of the club/class was “Spoken Word: Poetry, Raps, and Lyrics”, which is currently non-existent, but won’t be for long. I guess I will also post some of my poems, which I write specifically for the students of the Spoken Word club, my classes, and community.

I’m hoping that eventually this blog becomes a continuous conversation about poetry, in particular the poetry of children.


The Poetry of Children


Breaking schemas
The molding of tomorrow’s youth
Into plastic soldiers
With replaceable, interchangeable personalities,
Guns, and names.
Marching away into the eve
Of tomorrow’s dawn,
Children’s poetry
Will be
Bullets and gunshots ricocheting off the walls
That once supported dreams.
Left trying to decipher,
Marks on the wall,
Messages in graffiti,
If there was ever any
Cavemen left their marks on walls,
But these new scars relate misguided, disenchanted,
disenfranchised urban youth, revenge on the concrete
built on superficial ideals,
Wasted energy, fading hope, and savage inequalities.
Historians will remain in awe
At stains of blood,
Of murder filled books juxtaposed with fairy tales.
And these stories are yet to be recorded and written.
Depending on who dictates the future,
And how much everyone’s allowed to know,
They may never get written.
Thus the
Children’s poetry
Must not fall on
Or off
Deaf ears,
So that deviant behavior and memory
Will continue to remind
And perhaps the whole conscious
Of present society,
Of those ignored, gentrified, and pushed to the outskirts
Until permeating the psyche.
Being that truth cannot be
Hidden or buried,
Children’s poetry
Will come out beating
To rhythms the color of love
That most people have already long forgotten.
Beatings and rhythms,
Washing out
The bitterness the present has left us.
Or maybe it’s just me that keeps hearing
The same thing,
The same song
That everyone’s been singing.
All the radio’s been playing.
Dewey would argue what the schools have been teaching
For centuries since the Romans and Greeks,
Or what corporate entities dictate through promoting.
Nobody’s been listening,
Nobody is listening,
Nobody is listening
To the
Children’s poetry.
Cause what could they possibly teach anybody?
Children’s poetry,
Strange mutterings,
But transmissions
Have had a tendency of being
And thus the message has yet to be
Fully understood.
But children still believe in poetry.
Translating messages for history,
Some must start then decoding these writings and movements
Before an eternal silence befalls us all.
Trying to figure
Children’s poetry,
Already hiding in alleys,
Break dancing, and drawing on walls.
Trained to be just like little adults.
Learning quickly to bully and scheme,
How to politic and maneuver,
Next comes the nervous breakdown.
Screaming, shouting, shooting in schools.
It’s already happening.
Nobody’s been listening,
Nobody is listening,
Nobody is listening
To the
Children’s poetry.
Listening to the static off the vinyl
Interwoven into the grooves
Until foundations come down crumbling
Off the bass
From the
Children’s poetry.
Yelling to be recognized
As a single living identity, entity,
Independent of society’s standards and schemas
Of how children are supposed to be.
The whole of society seems bent and content with silencing
What echoes tremble in the voice of
Children’s poetry.
Dancing, running, playing, exploring, discovering
Without guides, barriers, or grown ups
At peace to develop like haiku:
The child once had thoughts
Till order became borders
The child could not cross.
The child still has dreams,
But rules are raised up like walls.
Free the child in me.
Free the child in me.
Please.  Free the child in me.  Please.
Free the child in me.
Free the child in me.
Please.  Free the child in me.  Please.
Free the child in me.



21 responses to “About

  1. This is refreshing; both deep and cool. Hey I thought I’d drop you a line and say thanks for the consistent support. Glancing at your blogs two things really jump out; you are a passionately creative communicator and dedicated to ensuring the young benefit from it. Keep it up frere Frausto


  2. KWP

    I love it …. everything about it ….


  3. As a (very) proud daughter of an early childhood director/professor, may I please pass my gratefulness to teachers around the world, everywhere! You are often the driving force in shaping the future and are almost never thanked enough, so thank you 🙂


  4. This is an incredibly amazing idea. How powerful it must feel for the kids to release their work for the world to see. I actually work in a high school as a counselor and I keep thinking about co-blogging with my students. They have so much to say!

    You’ve now inspired me! 🙂


  5. At first I didn’t know these were fourth graders writing these poems. They are simple and pure and great. I admire you a lot for this project. And you and your poems are a great example for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love how well you worked in “Aaaarrrggghhhhh.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. (Stands up and claps!!!) This is amazing. I love the cadence, the message…very impressive. The children are lucky to have you as a teacher


  8. You are doing a great job at helping children develop their creative talents. Keep on empowering them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hope you don’t mind but I’ve nominated your blog for “The Versatile Blogger” award. Details here – http://jemverse.wordpress.com/2014/07/19/versatility/

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I absolutely love this. At the age of 40, I am just new to writing poetry. But I am so interested in it and all it’s forms.
    “Cause what could they possibly teach anybody?”
    –Soooooooo much. With their innocence and fresh, young way of seeing things.


  11. I love reading your poems as well as your students’. I’m a 4th grade as well. Please visit my blog from time to time to read my poems.

    And thanks for liking my ‘sickness’!:):):)


  12. Hi Frausto.. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post… I just visited your blog.. you have really wonderful blog here… I really liked it.. I am your new follower now… !! 🙂


  13. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to give it a read and for the follow ^^
    Looking forward for more of your and your students’ works ^^


  14. Nice meeting you.Nice to learn about your activities specially on poetry for the children and by the children.I wish they all become happy in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Taigar Lily

    Very inspiring!



    Liked by 1 person

  16. I love what you’re doing here! What a great teacher and writer you are. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You might want to check into Global Scribes – very interesting organization. Check them out on the web.

    Liked by 1 person

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